clogged rain gutters in torontoAre you ready for winter?  Before the weather gets rough, take a few hours and do an exterior inspection of your home.

At times the weather can greatly affect the state of your home. During winter seasons, you can carry out several things to protect your home’s exterior from the worst that winter can throw at you. Even if you’re free from snow now, your home is still vulnerable to the weather and the snow will be here in Toronto soon enough. You should inspect roofing, rain gutters and exterior siding before winter’s rage arrives. This will ensure that your house is in good state after the winter.

During harsh winters, rain gutters will get damaged if not properly maintained. Cleaning out the downspouts and gutters will let melting ice and snow to egress your gutter efficiently preventing overflows that can damage wood siding and decks or cause undue water to accumulate around foundations. You should water test the downspouts to ensure that they are efficiently draining. Unclear downspouts will cause your clean gutters to clog up quickly. If you own a metal roof, ensure its gutter is fastened properly to protect against ice sheets and snow that may secede from the roof to tear the gutter away from the portico board. Leaf protections including Gutter Rx or Leaf-X can shield your gutter against snow damage, since they keep the gutters clean.

Cement, Wood fibre, and composite sidings are susceptible to warping or flouring due to excessive build up of water. In case you have any of these sidings, inspect the lower siding pieces on sections above doors and windows, and walls, looking for warping or softness in the material. If you notice softness or warping, replace the boards instantly and liberally. Do not let the problem spread to other regions as this can cause a disastrous failure of the material. Lastly ensure that any material replaced is painted and sealed properly before winter strikes.

Taking a number of precautions with your roof will stop the looming danger during winter. It is very difficult to repair a leaking roof, especially when covered with ice and snow. If you have an area that requires attention, do it now before the temperatures reaches below freezing point and snow starts to fly. It is recommended that you inspect the flashing around the chimneys, older skylights, and walling and roofing contact areas. These are potential areas prone to problems. Old roofs that appear to be in better shape should be resealed in some parts to extend its life. Besides, the fall is a better opportunity to clean debris from valleys and pine needles that can avert proper drainage and cause leaks.

The major problem facing places such as Inland Northwest is the frightening ice dam. This destroys gutters and cause leaks, yet they are not due to your rain gutter or roofing. The cause is due to improper insulation in your attic or ceiling. Having poor insulation lets heat to escape rapidly through the roof, melting snow even during extremely cold conditions. This results in a hefty ice dams that entrap melting ice behind them, leading to roof leaks. In addition, these dams can destroy the rain gutters to the extent that they hothead from the home.

You should have proper insulation in your gutter or attic as this is the only way to prevent ice dams. A heat tape or heated gutter system can also solve the issue. Inspecting your home now can assist you prevent problems from building up, and let you survive the winter with self-reliance. To prepare your home for the coming winter you can seek the services of Armourseal Render Coating. Armourseal offers an advanced weatherproof coating service with fifteen years guarantee.


Toronto home with vertical crack in foundationPoets, lyricists, and other writers love the metaphor of the crack in the foundation, something that is small but the forerunner of pathological damage. A crack in your foundation is information—it is telling you something, and you must invest the time to figure it out.  It may turn out to not be a big problem, but it demands assessment.  It’s usually best to call in a specialist to make this assessment.  If you’re hesitant that they will try to sell you a suite of services and repairs, remember you can always get a free estimate or just say “no,” but that one thing is for certain—a crack, once present, will not go away and requires intervention.

It’s usually best to call in a foundation specialist to make this assessment as a foundation crack can be totally normal, or can be an indicator of something serious.  If you’re hesitant that they will try to sell you a suite of services and repairs, remember you can always get a free estimate or just say “no,” but that one thing is for certain—a crack, once present, will not go away and may indicate a more serious problem with your foundation.


Here in Toronto, foundation cracks are quite common.  Many foundation cracks are simple from shifting foundations and aging homes “settling” over time.  While others are from shoddy construction from the start or an environment surrounding your foundation that is contributing to its erosion.  As you can see, sometimes it’s nothing but other times it can be serious.

Even if the foundation crack is not serious, it can still cause water issues and can lead to foundation erosion over time if water is allowed to continuously channel through your foundation into your basement.

So, let’s take a look at some of the most common information—the most common causes—of basement foundation cracks.


Concrete Contraction

Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, and aggregate.  It is poured and then dries and cures.  Early in the curing stage, the concrete enters its plastic state.  In this state, it is still very moist, but it continues to lose moisture during the curing process.  Steve VandeWater, in his paper “Why Concrete Cracks,” illuminates, “because concrete is a very rigid material, this shrinking creates stress on the concrete slab.  As the concrete shrinks, it drags across its granular subgrade.  This impediment to its free movement creates stress that can literally pull the slab apart.”  He continues, “when the stress becomes too great for the now hardened concrete, the slab will crack in order to relieve tension.”

VandeWater points out that these plastic-state cracks are almost sure to occur near obstacles, objects placed in the concrete slab, such as drains, plumbing fixtures, etc.  The concrete has no ability to shrink around these objects.


Contraction cracks not a disaster

Fortunately, though some cracks due to the contraction of concrete during its curing process are inevitable, they aren’t likely to cause serious structural damage.  They’re mostly a nuisance, providing a gateway for things like water leaking or insects.


Exterior step crack Toronto home

Exterior step crack


A second big reason for basement cracks is your house settling into the soil.  Daniel Friedman is a construction worker who discusses this issue.  He says that floor slabs need to be poured into “compacted fill” as opposed to “soft fill.”  To explain what this means, he clearly illustrates, “my first job in construction was raking a huge dirt pile out to ‘level’ inside of an already poured and built footing and masonry block foundation wall.  Once the dirt was roughly ‘level’ via my hand rake, the builder went ahead and poured his floor slab.  ‘Compacted fill’ was not in our vocabulary.”

Floor slabs not poured in this manner are more vulnerable to settling into the soil, and in the vocabulary of the business, “floating,” moving as the soil moves.

Yet, it’s just as often that the culprit is not construction workers at all.  Mother Nature will damage your foundation if you give her half a chance.  Too much rain will cause the rising groundwater to squeeze the house’s foundation.  The bad news is that dry periods are problematic, too, since dry soil shrinks, in turn causing you foundation to settle.

In Winter, groundwater freezing also causes pressure on your foundation, pressure that may lead to cracking.

One thing to do to attempt to combat the sorts of pressure described above is to improve the tensile strength of your concrete.  Tensile strength is the ability to withstand force that could pull something apart.  Strange though it might seem, concrete actually has fairly low tensile strength.  Improving it can be a matter of a contractor adding rebar of fiber to the concrete.


Horizontal crack in Toronto foundation home

Horizontal Crack

Horizontal Cracking

If the cracks you observe are horizontal, you should take them that much more seriously, since they are indications of serious structural problems.  Consultant Gary Fuller explains, “if the foundation does not provide enough lateral support, the walls will deflect inward and create horizontal cracking.”

Mike Holmes, host of the TV show “Holmes Inspection,” alerts us that horizontal cracking higher on the walls calls from water or frost, as “water from your downspouts or sump pump saturates the area, it freezes and exerts pressure on the basement wall.”

While there may not be one cure for basement cracks or one correct course of action, just be sure not to ignore the problem.  Take a lesson from the poets and don’t let the cracks spread and leave you on a foundation of rubble.