Interior weeping tile system in Toronto basementAs a homeowner braving yet another Toronto winter, you may be tempted to leave your basement waterproofing to the spring. After all, it snows a ton in Toronto during the winter and the ground will be frozen for much of it – you can do it later, right?

Wrong. Putting off waterproofing can be a short-sighted mistake that can permanently damage the foundation of your home. Unfortunately, Toronto has the ideal conditions for water leaks: wet weather, aging home foundations, and even during the winter, we experience sudden bouts of snow melts and above-freezing temperatures that can come without a warning. Without a protected basement, all that water could end up leaking through your home’s foundations and cause a big headache upon discovery in the spring.

Canadian winters tend to have a freeze/thaw cycle, causing your house and the ground around your foundation to expand and contract at different magnitudes and rates, potentially making existing cracks larger and opening up joints where water flows through. Also, with the freezing weather comes ice jams in your pipes, troughs, downspouts, and on your roof. When your water drainage systems are clogged up, the water will have to find a different path. Typically, it flows to the ground directly beside your foundation, which is the most common place for foundation leaks.

When spring comes, temperatures will warm up and thaw the ground around your home, contracting and leaving a gap between the ground and your home, allowing water to freely flow through. Groundwater will leak into a weak home foundation if not properly sealed. And even though the weather will be warmer, there will still be rain, and can take you by surprise by flooding your basement.

Almost any repairs that can be done year-round can also be completed during the winter: non-structural cracks can be filled, weeping tile drains can be installed, pump systems can be mounted or replaced, and crawl spaces can be compressed. These are just some samples of the types on interior waterproofing you can have done over the course of the winter. External maintenance can also be performed if needed, but as digging is easier during the spring and summer months, you may want to consider leaving that for next season.

Basement waterproofing companies can also provide you with faster repairs and immediate service during the winter season, as they tend to be less busy during this season than during the rest of the year. If you wait until the weather heats up, you may be stuck with a leaky or flooded basement and have to do damage control yourself for days or weeks until they will be able to get to fixing your home, as they are very high in demand then. Now is a great time to have your basement waterproofing done so that you can beat the crowds and not have to worry about a soaked basement come spring.

Don’t let spring surprise you with a leaky basement and home foundation damages. Give yourself a peace of mind by taking advantage of the winter season and sealing your basement now.

If you live in Toronto or the surrounding GTA, we can provide a free in-home inspection and estimate for any of your interior or exterior waterproofing needs.  You can contact us here to get started.