Water collecting in the basement of your home is a sign that you need to take action. This past Winter in Toronto has been particularly harsh, leaving many basements with foundation cracks and water leaks after the Spring thaw.  While an occasional puddle, water trickling out of a small crack in the wall or visible dampness on the wall or floor may seem innocent enough, they are all signs that there is a problem.

Ignoring a water issue in the basement of your home can lead to the growth of mold, a proven health risk.

Water seepage into the basement of your home has many causes and it is important that you determine the cause to choose the proper course of action. Here are some of the most common scenarios for water seepage in your home’s basement and some possible solutions:

Heavy Rainfall

Water often forces its way into the basement after a heavy rainfall or a quick change in temperature that melts snow. Water always follows the path of least resistance, so when the ground becomes saturated it pushes its way into your dry basement. Water has a lot of pressure behind it so it will press through weak areas in the foundation to relieve the pressure.

If there is only a very small amount of water, you may be able to solve the problem with an oil-based masonry waterproofing paint, though this is more of a band-aid rather than a fix.  Naturally, you need to find where the water is coming in.

Serious seepage into the basement requires an interior system waterproofing system to relieve the pressure and pump excess water away from your home. This does require expertise as there are countless systems and the system must match your unique situation. The power of the pump and its capacity is important.

Getting your home ready for rainy Fall season Toronto



Improper positioning of downspouts happens more often than you may think. Take a look at yours and make sure that they are discharging well away from your home. Sometimes all you need is to adjust the slope on the piping and to extend the length so that the pipe reaches beyond the boundaries of your home.

clogged rain gutters in toronto


When your home was first built a large hole was dug to build the foundation. After construction, the contractor packed soil around the foundation again, but this soil is never as hard as the untouched soil beyond it. When water is looking for a place to go when it rains or snow melts, it will run towards the softer, more porous soil around your home. Normally, “weeping tiles” around your home help to disperse this water but they can deteriorate over time. As well, changes to the landscaping such as planting trees, shrubs or structures can change the path of water on your property and direct it towards your home.

Do-it-yourself types may want to hire a bobcat and excavate around their home to install weeping tiles, but check with local authorities before you dig. Electrical wires and water pipes lurk beneath the surface and you certainly don’t want to make a big job even bigger. Another consideration is that weeping tiles may not be enough and you may require a waterproofing contractor instead. If the foundation is compromised, tiles will not be enough. The only solution may be a professionally installed waterproof membrane around the foundation of your house.

Landscape grading toronto

Window Well

Water pooling around a window well is a sure sign of a drain clog, possibly with debris. Normally this just involves cleaning the sludge off the drain cover, but sometimes silt and other fine debris works its way beyond the cover. If cleaning the cover does not clear the clog, a plumber’s “snake” is necessary.


If you are having difficulty determining how moisture is getting into your home or you feel that the work is beyond your capabilities to fix, give NuSite a call. We offer a free inspection and estimate in the Greater Toronto area. We have the experience and the equipment to get the job done right so you don’t have to worry.