Most people welcome the spring with open arms following a long, hard Toronto winter, but they need to be wary of the damage a spring thaw can cause.
Once the snow and ice begins to melt it can result in a flooded basement if you don’t take the proper precautions.
The following tips are designed to help keep your basement dry during the spring thaw.
1-Clean the rain gutters
It’s a good idea to clean your rain gutters at least twice a year. This is especially important after the leaves have fallen from the trees in the autumn. Check to make sure the gutters are free of debris, don’t overflow, and aren’t leaking. All of the gutter connections should be watertight and the system should divert rainfall and melting snow/ice away from your home. One of the best ways to keep debris and leaves out of the gutters is to install guards.
2-Extend the downspouts
The downspouts need to be aimed between 10 and 20 feet past your home’s foundation. If possible, it’s a good idea to direct them towards sloping land so the water can flow away from your basement. Try not to bury downspout extensions or to connect them to a drywell. You’ll find that drywells can retain a specific amount of water before they start to back up. If this happens the gutters could split and the water will end up close to your home. If you decide to run the extension pipes below the ground be sure to check them regularly so you know they’re properly draining.
If your property slopes towards your home the surface water will naturally run in that direction. If this is the case you may want to do some landscaping to direct the water away from the home. A good landscaper should be able to help you out with this. In addition, don’t pile snow close to your home during the winter. You don’t want it melting near the foundation when it melts.
4-Use a dehumidifier
A humidifier is designed to control the level of humidity in your basement and it should help stop excessive moisture from creating any problems such as musty odours, sweating pipes, mold, and rusting. If your dehumidifier has a deicer and a built-in drain hose the deicer will prevent the unit from freezing and the drain hose will empty it. You should also keep your basement windows and doors closed all year round since humidity can creep in the room if they’re left open. Warm, humid air will cause condensation if it comes in contact with cooler floors and walls and that could lead to moisture-related problems.
5-Check your pipes
Make sure that your home’s plumbing system is in good working order since they could freeze and burst during cold temperatures. You also want to be sure there are no leaks in the system since they can result in water damage. It’s a good idea to have a waterproofing professional inspect your basement to make sure that it’s waterproofed as good as possible. Ann inspector will be able to make sure that large amounts of water won’t be able to find its way into your basement.
If you live in Toronto or the surrounding GTA and have a leaky basement problem, contact Nusite Waterproofing today for a free in-home inspection and estimate.