Toronto definitely gets its fair share of snowfall during the winter months and it can sometimes cause an even bigger problem in the spring when it thaws. There’s no doubt that heavy rains can cause a basement to flood and unfortunately so can melting snow.
One of the keys to keeping rain and melting snow out of your basement is making sure your roof gutters are clean and the downspouts are extended away from the house. In addition, it’s a good idea to landscape your yard so there’s a grading which allows water to run away from the home. If there’s a grade towards the house the water is going to flow that way and it can leak into the home.
Snow Melts Even During Winter
Homeowners need to be aware that snow can also melt in the middle of a Toronto winter if the temperature is warm enough. It doesn’t necessarily happen in the springtime only. When snow thaws in the winter the frozen surface ground can sometimes make the problem worse. Regardless of when the snow melts, the water has to find somewhere to go and you need to make sure that place isn’t your basement. Experts have calculated that 10 inches of powdery snow produces about an inch of water when it melts. However, more water will result from wetter and heavier snow.
Melting Snow Produces alot Of Water
When we do the math we can see that an inch of water over 1,000 square feet is equal to 600 gallons. This means there may be several thousand gallons of water around your home when the snow melts. When the weather is warmer and the soil has thawed most of the water will soak into it. This isn’t the greatest situation either, but it’s better than having the water on top of a frozen surface looking for somewhere else to go. Typically, some of the water will eventually travel along the foundation walls of your home and end up in the basement.
Water can seep into the cellar through non-structural cracks that can be found in concrete walls as well as via any deteriorated mortar joints that are present in masonry walls. In addition, water could leak into the house through window wells that have been poorly fitted and any utility openings that aren’t properly sealed. If the soil has thawed and water penetrates into it far enough, it can enter the home through the cove joint and/or cracks in the floor.
Diverting water away from the foundation of your house is the best way to reduce the chance of a leaking basement, But if you have a compromised foundation, water leaks may be inevitable.
After proper water management, the best way to keep melting snow and rain out of your basement is to locate a local waterproofing contractor. It’s always better to waterproof the basement before it floods and a good contractor can help prevent it from happening in the future. At Nusite Waterproofing we’ve been servicing both residential and commercial buildings in the Toronto area for well over a combined 50 years. If you’ve experienced a flooded or leaky basement in the past or want to protect yourself from it happening in the future, feel free to contact us for a free estimate and advice.
There are several other ways water can enter the basement and we’ll make sure you’re aware of these. For example, if you have a sump pump the discharge lines could be frozen or blocked at the exit point. Also, window well drains could become clogged and this results in pools of water outside your basement windows. However, with the proper precautions we can help you avoid any water damage to your home. Be aware that any type of basement flooding in normal circumstances will be much worse during a heavy rainfall and spring thaw.