Leaky basements aren’t just a nuisance as they can also be unhealthy and lead to costly damage. Here in Toronto, leaking basements are somewhat common due to older homes, weather and lots of underground water.  While stopping water from leaking into a basement can be done it’s usually better to find a permanent waterproofing solution to the problem rather than a temporary one.

The smell and feel of a damp, moist basement can certainly be unpleasant but it can also have a negative effect on the value if your home. If not treated properly, the water could ruin the walls and floors as well as encourage the growth of unsightly and unhealthy mold.

There are several ways to help keep a basement dry and some of these are as simple as keeping your gutters clear and diverting rainwater water away from home’s foundation. However, if the water is coming from storm drains or seeping in through the ground you’ll likely need a more aggressive approach.

The following are some ways of helping keep water from invading your basement.


Gutter Extensions

It’s highly recommended that you divert water from your downspouts at least five feet away from your home. To do this, you may need to install metal or plastic gutter extensions. This may help but it isn’t a permanent solution to underground seepage whereas an underground drain pipe would be a better option. An underground pipe can be installed in a sloping trench to carry the water further away. In addition, be sure your window wells are in good condition or install window well covers.


Plug Leaking Cracks

If water dribbles into the basement via gaps or cracks around the plumbing pipes these can often be plugged with polyurethane caulk or hydraulic cement. If the water is getting into the basement through the joint where the walls and floor meets or is coming through the floor then plugs won’t be the answer though since groundwater is the problem.


Restore the Slope

If your gutters are fine and any obvious holes have been filled but water still enters then surface water might still not be draining away from the home the way it should. Your home should sit on soil which slopes a minimum of six inches in all directions in the first 10 feet. Soil will settle around the foundation over the years but you can restore the slope with dirt and a shovel.


Create a Berm or Swale

A mound of dirt known as a berm or a shallow, wide ditch known as a swale could be installed to divert water before it gets to your home. A berm or swale can typically be handled by a landscape contractor.


Repairing Footing Drains

If the water is getting into your basement where the floor and walls meet or low down on the walls then it’s usually because hydrostatic pressure is pushing it up from the ground. If you have pipes installed under the ground to carry water away these are known as footing drains. These are generally installed when the house is constructed and they can become clogged. If that’s the case you may be able to flush them out with a hose or an augur.


Curtain Drain

If the home doesn’t have footing drains then a curtain drain can be installed to help divert underground water away from the house. This is a form of French drain (also called weeping tiles)  and is a shallow trench which typically measures 1.5-feet across and two feet deep. It’s filled with perforated piping and gravel and is designed to intercept the water as it travels to your home and carry it away via a slope. If trees and/or shrubs are present in the area where the drain needs to pass through it may be better to use solid instead of perforated piping so the roots of the trees/shrubs wont clog it by growing into it.


Using a Pump

If subsurface water can’t be kept out it will need to be channeled from inside the home with an interior drainage system. To do this you need to cut a channel around floor’s perimeter, chip the concrete out and install perforated pipe. The piping takes the water and deposits it into a collection tank at the low spot of the basement where it’s taken away with a sump pump.


Exterior Drainage Systems

An interior drainage system is designed to take water from the home but it won’t waterproof your walls. To do that, you’ll need to have an exterior system installed such as a French drain. This will help reduce the hydrostatic pressure waterproof the foundation and home. Excavating will be required and it’s typically the most expensive but bet solution especially if you have a finished basement.

About Nusite Waterproofing

Nusite Waterproofing is a waterproofing company in Toronto.  We are a family owned business that has been serving Toronto for over 35 years.  We offer free on-site estimates and inspections.  For more detailed information on how to stop water from leaking into your basement please feel free to contact us at Nusite Waterproofing.

A common question we get form homeowners in Toronto and The Bay Area is, “does basement waterproofing increase home values?”. The quick and simple answer is yes and we’ll try to explain how.

More Livable Square Footage

Basement waterproofing offers many benefits to homeowners with the most obvious being that it helps prevent water damage to your home, furnishings and irreplaceable personal possessions. Not only does waterproofing protect these things but it also provides you with peace of mind at the same time as it offers an improved quality of life.  With the price of real estate in Toronto and the smaller lot footprints most homes enjoy, having a basement that can be used as living space offers valuable livable square footage to a home.  Lisa Simpson, a senior real estate specialist in The Bay Area, says adding a finished basement adds value to the price of a home in The Bay Area due to the limitations of expanding a home horizontally due to limited lot sizes.

Avoid Costly Repairs & Potential Mold Issues

You don’t have to worry about cleaning up and replacing items after the next big storm hits as you’ll always have a dry basement to venture to. And if you should happen to suffer water damage it may not be covered by your insurance policy. This also means you’re living in a safer environment without the worry of mold and your indoor air quality won’t be a concern to you and your family. A dry basement means you can use the area to create extra living space.  No home buyer will want to pay top dollar for a home that is immediately going to require very costly waterproofing repairs in addition to hazardous mold cleanup.  A good home remodeling contractor is vital to stopping a basement leak as it is very difficult to fix.  When we renovated our basement, we hired a great remodeling contractor in Oakland that had experience with basement renos.

Adding Valuable Flex Space

This allows you to finish the basement and use it for whatever purpose you choose, such as an extra bedroom, an office, family/rec room, bar, games room or gym etc. With more usable living space in the home, the value of it will naturally increase. Many people are starting to work form home and would love a home office as well as a second family room or hobby room, a finished basement can be used for some or all of these flex spaces.  If the home isn’t waterproofed you’re always at risk of water damage in the basement.

In reality, it costs money to properly waterproof a home and it isn’t exactly inexpensive. However, the money you lay out on the process will almost certainly be recouped if you should decide to sell the house. In fact, you may even make a tidy profit as it’s an excellent selling point and one that potential homeowners are willing to pay a little extra for when buying a home. Most people would rather move into a home that’s already waterproofed than have to do it themselves.

On the other side of the coin, if the home isn’t waterproofed you may not get what you ask for when selling it since the buyer knows they’ll have to shell out the cost of having it done. This is especially true if you’ve suffered water damage in the structure in the past.

Get A Higher Selling Price For Your Home

It’s never to late to have your basement waterproofed and there are several ways of doing it. The basement doesn’t need to be leaking either to have the work done. You can look at a waterproofed basement as an insurance policy. You may pay the premiums not but you’ll cash in later.

If you do decide to professionally waterproof  your basement before selling your home be sure to work with a waterproofing company which offers a transferable warranty. This means the warranty will cover the new homeowners when they move in.  Be sure the waterproofing company has been around for a long time as many companies will offer extended warranties but will most likely not be in business after a few years.  Unfortunately, the basement waterproofing industry has many opportunists who offer waterproofing services for a short time before leaving the industry as it requires more work and expertise than people realize.

Basement waterproofing can also be considered a valuable home repair as well as it’s something that’s designed to last. The process helps protect your investment as a damp, wet basement will decrease both the value of your home and the interest in it from potential buyers.

At Nusite Contractors Ltd, our business includes professional basement waterproofing options for Toronto area and the GTA. Our team of waterproofing experts will be glad to discuss how we can help make your home more valuable by taking care of your basement.  Contact us here for a free estimate.

Most homes in Toronto are older and have unfinished basements.  Due to the age of homes, the weather and the massive amounts of underwater rivers running under Toronto, having a dry basement is a challenge.  Most basement, unless they have been fully waterproofed from the exterior, will have some sort of dampness or moisture issues.  These chronic moisture issues in the basement will lead to that ugly musty smell you often find in basements and sometimes even to mold formation.

Why Basements Get a Musty Odour

Even a finished basement can contain high pollution levels and since these pollutants rise due to their buoyancy they can often invade the living space on the upper floors. Basements often have a bit of a musty smell to them and this is because certain types of wallboard and carpeting absorb moisture through the home’s foundation via a process known as capillary action.

This results in excess humidity and moisture which can be absorbed by the insulation. In some instances, excess moisture can lead to visible or invisible mold in the basement.

If a basement suffers water damage it can result in mold which releases pollutants into the air and can keep growing even after the room has dried. This, in turn, will result in a musty smell, especially if the basement has poor ventilation. Unfinished basements also become musty since they usually contain a certain amount of dirt, dust, and debris which can encourage the growth of mold and bacteria. To make matters worse, invisible particulate matter or debris in the air can damage your lungs and enter your bloodstream and are certainly unhealthy.

Other pollutant causes of a musty basement could include things such as fiberglass insulation, dank crawl spaces, Radon gas, and volatile organic compounds such as fertilizer bags and paint cans. If you notice a musty odour from the basement it’s recommended you have the air tested by a mold professional or specialist. Professionals can identify the cause of the moisture and smell and come up with a solution to eliminate it, resulting in a healthier and fresher smelling basement.

Finished and Waterproofed Basement in Toronto

Finished and Waterproofed Basement in Toronto

The aim is to eliminate the moisture from the basement and increase its airflow

If your basement is unfinished with a dirt floor the floor should be covered with a plastic sheet and wire mesh before covering it with a thin layer of concrete. If the basement has a concrete floor you may need a waterproofing solution if water or moisture is seeping into it. If the basement is filled with mold you may need to have it removed by a professional mold removal company.

If mold is left to grow it could eat through basement insulation, wood framing and other structures and materials. A good ventilation system is also needed as it removes the musty air and replaces it with fresh air. You may need to install an exhaust fan along with a dehumidifier/air purifier and open any windows to increase airflow. If you hire a professional to find and eliminate the source of your musty basement there are a few steps you can take to keep the area as fresh as possible once the job has been completed.

Make sure your downspouts and gutters aren’t clogged as water that pools around your home can start to smell unpleasant. You might also want to send the water further away from your home by installing extensions on the downspouts. This will help keep water from seeping into your basement from the ground near the house. You can also keep the basement air fresh by cleaning it out and throwing away all unneeded items which could absorb moisture, mold and mildew. If the basement is unfinished you can then clean the surfaces with soap and water as well as bleach, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide.

Some unpleasant odours can be absorbed by items such as baking soda, white vinegar, zeolite, charcoal bricks, and cat litter. If you place one or a combination of these items in the basement the air should stay fresher. Just be sure to replace them every two or three months. Another option is to place an ionizer downstairs. These devices are designed to remove bad odours by releasing ions in the air.  If you plan on hiring a general contractor or a design build contractor to finish your basement, then you must ensure the damp issues are cleared up before installing your drywall and flooring.

Contact Nusite Waterproofing

But in the long run, it’s going to be difficult to rid your basement of a musty odour if you don’t find the source of it and have it rectified. If you’re having a hard time locating the reason for your moist or wet basement please don’t hesitate to contact us at Nusite Waterproofing. Our team of professional basement waterproofers will be able to find the cause of the problem and also provide you with the best solution for it.  Nusite Waterproofing has been providing basement waterproofing and foundation repairs in Toronto for over 30 years.  We offer free estimates and evaluations of your basement and will use state of the art water detection devices to find the source of your waterproofing issues.

When it comes to waterproofing your basement in Toronto, there are three common methods. These are exterior waterproofing, interior weeping tile, and crack injection.  Which one you use will depend on your home, any surrounding obstacles as well as your budget.  There are a variety of basement waterproofing methods that will work, though only one of them is actually considered waterproofing by definition.

The Most Effective Basement Waterproofing Method

The most effective waterproofing method is exterior waterproofing as it’s the only method which fully waterproofs a home’s foundation. The exterior wall is sealed and a French drain system, also known as a curtain drain or footing drain is installed. If this method isn’t an option due to access to the exterior or your budget, then the interior weeping tile is recommended.  Interior waterproofing methods are usually used when the exterior is inaccessible like we have with cramped yards here in Toronto, or when cost is a factor.

The interior method utilizes drainage in the basement as a way to control the water by removing it with a sump pump. The crack injection is more of a temporary band-aid solution and is recommended for just small cracks. The water could still seep into the concrete behind the cracks with this method and the foundation may erode over time. The best way to find out which type of system you need is to contact a professional waterproofing company.

Basement waterproofing systems Toronto

Toronto Basement With Interior Weeping Tile System

Exterior Excavation
The best way to keep water out of a basement in the first place is via exterior excavation to the bottom of the home’s foundation and around the perimeter of the home. The proper type of drainage system is installed and the walls are treated to keep water at bay. Structural engineers believe this is the best option since it keeps water out rather than simply controlling it. A good waterproofing company will examine your crawl space or basement to get to the root of the problem and then suggest the best solution for your specific needs.

With exterior waterproofing, a waterproof membrane or coating is topped by drainage panels. The water flows freely down the panels to the exterior French drain system which sits at the bottom of the home’s foundation. The water is moved a safe distance away from the foundation via a sump pump or by gravity and it is removed through a storm drain, dry well, drainage ditch, or a low-lying area of the property. The French drain is basically a trench which is slightly sloped and filled with gravel and perforated piping to divert the water. The pipe is wrapped in a water-permeable material to keep debris out of it.

Interior Weeping Tile Systems
Water seeps into basements through porous cement-based floors and walls if there’s nowhere else for the liquid to go. If an exterior excavation isn’t possible the next best solution is the interior weeping tile method, which is basically an interior French drain system. Water applies powerful hydrostatic pressure against a basement floor and walls and if it can’t seep through them it will pool at the bottom of the walls and can gradually seep through the inside surface. An interior weeping tile system doesn’t technically waterproof a basement, but it effectively controls the water and channels it away.

A trench needs to be dug around the basement’s perimeter, approximately 18 inches from the walls and to below the footings. Weeping tile is installed and covered with gravel before the floor is re-poured. A sump pump is placed at the end of the weeping tile and removes the water. The weeping tiles attract the water since it gravitates to the lowest point. The water is then carried away before it can rise over the footings and the end result is a dry basement.

Crack Injection
Like the interior weeping tile system, crack injection is really a water-control system not a method of waterproofing. However, it’s a common and inexpensive way for homeowners to seal small cracks in a building’s foundation. This is more or less just a temporary or band-aid solution to keep water out of the basement though as you’re just sealing the cracks. The crack injection method doesn’t get to the root or cause of the problem as it just deals with the result of it. Water will continue to try to find a way to seep into the basement and it can eventually choose a different route.

For more information on wet and leaking basements and the proper solutions for them please feel free to contact us at Nusite Waterproofing. We are glad to provide our Toronto area customers with free home inspections and estimates and will work hand in hand with you to decide on the best option for your unique situation and budget.

About Nusite waterproofing

Nusite Waterproofing Contractors has been providing basement waterproofing in Toronto for over 30 years.  We are a family business and take pride in our level of customer service as well as our professional work.  You can contact us here to schedule a free consultation and written estimate.