Getting your home ready for rainy Fall season TorontoThe weatherman is predicting alternating spells of warmer and cooler weather in Toronto this fall. This could result in abnormal precipitation in South Ontario. This means it’s time to start thinking about keeping your Toronto basement dry. There are various things that you could do to keep your home and basement dry this Fall.

Your main contribution is going to be to ensure effective surface water run-off, so the moisture can’t seep down alongside your foundation walls where it could build up and start to penetrate through. Get this right, and even a poorly waterproofed basement might survive for a while. However there could be other problems too.

Gutters and Downpipes

A roof is a catchment area that channels rainwater into gutters and down drainpipes. If these become blocked or overloaded, they spill over, releasing uncontrolled water that could cause a flood. You need to do three things:

  • Determine whether your gutters are deep enough, and if there are sufficient downpipe points


  • Find a service to keep the system scrupulously clean and inspect it regularly for damage


  • Ensure that water discharged to ground level is channeled away to where it can’t cause harm

Garden Area

If there’s an area in your garden where the water pools, or where the plants and earth are mouldy, you can bet your bottom dollar that it’s feeding water down below ground – where it could easily find its way to the outside of your basement walls.

It’s vital that you build an open drainage system to prevent this happening. If your property is low-lying, and you’re receiving run-off from a neighbour, you may even need to consider installing a sump pump so the problem stays under control.

Leaking Appliances and Pipes

As basement is almost inevitably below a main dwelling. To check for leaky pipes upstairs, turn off all the taps and monitor the water meter for an hour. Liquid follows gravity downwards. Downwards is often into your basement. If your water meter moved, call in a leak detection expert to sort the problem out for you.

Underground Problems

The same applies in the basement itself. Make sure your appliances are watertight, and that there’s no sign of mould where pipes penetrate. If you find evidence of water seepage through the walls themselves, you need to do one of two things right away:

Dig out the basement on the outside and fix the problem properly


Install a weeping tile and sump pump system to channel the water away.

These jobs both require the services of an experienced basement-waterproofing specialists.  Before starting any work, be sure to get a few estimates first and decide if this is your best course of action.

Stop-Gap Solutions

If your problem is little more than a damp smell, you may be able to keep it under control for a while by installing a commercial-grade dehumidifier, and ventilating regularly with fans. However in this instance you may be delaying the inevitable as more water finds ways though. Home insurance seldom if ever covers neglect.  Don’t neglect a damp basement either.


As a mold removal company in Toronto, we’re often asked by homeowners when they should take on the task of cleaning up their own mold and when should they have a professional mold removal company come in.  We usually recommend that the homeowner hires an independent mold inspection service to help them make that determination.

Mold is a fungus found growing naturally wherever there are moist natural fibers and warm still air.  Sounds like most basements, especially in older homes. It propagates itself by releasing microscopic seeds called spores into the air. When these find their way into our homes two things happen. They colonize our living space, and they irritate our airways.

The Mold Enigma

An enigma is a complicated mystery or puzzle that it’s theoretically easy to solve when you know how. In principle it’s also a simple matter to control for mold. You just need to wipe down the ceilings, walls and floors regularly with an anti-fungal agent, wash out the cupboards, vacuum the drapes, and ventilate your home regularly.  That’s fine if you know the source, such as a leaky pipe or faucet.  If you haven’t found the source of your mold issues, it usually just returns.

But we seldom have the time or inclination to do this properly. Before we realize it, we have mold flourishing in nooks and crannies we didn’t previously worry about. When we try to get rid of it we find it’s smelly and really dirty. What’s more, the harder we try, the faster it comes bouncing back for more

The biggest problem is that we’re actually replanting it as we go along. That’s because as we wipe it away we release mold spores that repopulate the area in a few short weeks. A mold removal specialist will tell you that exposure to mold is often highest in the removal process as you are disturbing it and making it airborne.  Even if we use chemicals to kill it they don’t work remotely – we have to treat the mold everywhere, no matter how inaccessible it may be.

When Mold’s Out of Hand

If the mold in your home extends over more than one square meter, then you have a self-sustaining eco-system that’s definitely not going to move out voluntarily. In no time at all you’ll start finding it under carpets, in cupboards and on top of ceilings. Unless you have nothing better to do, you’ve reached the point where you need to call a mold inspector.

Services You Receive

An experienced mold inspector with training and registration papers knows that it’s pointless putting out so-called mold traps, and pointing out the fungus where you already know it is. Instead, they use their knowledge of buildings and building materials to identify where mold is lurking even before they look for it.

As they go along they’ll identify the root causes of what they find. These can be anything from water seeping in from outside, to cupboards not fitted with cross ventilation. Sometimes, turning down the thermostat a notch and opening windows in the middle of the day will help prevent mold recurrence.

At other times you may need to call in a waterproofing specialist. However you have to eliminate what’s already growing first.

The Big Clean

It’s not a good idea to tackle a large-scale mold elimination project yourself, especially if you’re unsure of the cause of the mold. Besides breathing in potentially harmful spores, mold usually grows in dark and sometimes hard to reach areas such as attic crawl spaces.  Consider calling in a professional mold inspector, they can help determine the source of your mold and recommend a certified mold removal company if it’s needed.


A water soaked carpet can be a real mess. Especially when it’s in your basement and it’s soaked from possibly contaminated sewer water.  Yuk! Every moment you delay, your carpet’s survival is under threat. At the same time, there’s little purpose in trying to do anything while the water’s still coming in. This is definitely no time to be rash. You need a cool head here.  Here in Toronto, between the weather and the age of many of our homes, basement flooding is quite common.  If you do experience a basement flood, and your have carpet down there, here are a few tips for you to follow.

flooded carpet with mold

Turn off the Water Supply – If a basement suddenly develops a leak, it’s quite possible an appliance down there has developed one too. Turn off the water at the entry point. Just don’t go below because it might not be safe to do so yet.

Switch off the Electricity – Don’t mess with this one. Your life could be at stake. Turning off the main switch is only good enough if the basement’s correctly wired. Rather ask an electrician to make your basement electrically safe for you.

Inspect the Area – Now you can take a good look around the basement, and hopefully find the root cause of the problem. Check the ceiling and the walls for obvious signs of running water. Look at every plumbed-in appliance carefully. Then examine the carpet for water-intrusion from beneath. The darkest, wettest spot is likely where your problem lies.

Salvage the Carpet

If the carpet is cheap, or clearly ruined, don’t waste your time with it. Put in an insurance claim and have a new one fitted. A carpet that isn’t cleaned and dried properly is a great candidate for mold.  However if you have a high insurance excess and consider it worth salvaging, here are two alternative solutions.

  • If the carpet is recoverable but really water-sodden (or you need to uplift it anyway to attend to an underground leak) clear the basement and use a commercial wet-vac to mop up as much water as possible. Then remove the carpet (watch out for rusty nails on edging strips) and take it someplace where it can dry out in the sun.


After that, you can find a carpet fitter to relay it for you. Don’t waste time trying to salvage the underlay though. It’s relatively cheap, and will stretch and tear as you take it up in any case.


  • If the water spill is localized and clearly not welling up from below, all you may need to do is mop it with the commercial wet-vac (don’t press down hard) and then turn on several large fans plus a powerful dehumidifier. Don’t rush things. When it’s finally dry, you can shampoo it clean.

Move Quickly

Ignore a damp carpet in a basement, and you’re inviting mold to settle down there, from where it could gradually migrate upstairs and affect your family’s bronchial health. Should you be unable to take any of the steps we recommend immediately, then it’s time to call in a commercial carpet cleaning service urgently.

Longer-Term Concerns

Clearly, there’s little point in reinstating a carpet until the root cause of the flooding has been solved. Depending on your skills you may be able to sort out a plumbing problem yourself. However, if you’re faced with water intrusion you’re going to need advice from a basement water-proofing specialist, because that’s probably a more serious concern that will require a professional inspection.



indoor air quality TorontoAs Winter sets in here in The Bay Area, we begin to shut our windows and fire up the furnaces for another long Winter.  We no longer have fresh air to filter through our home and seal our homes shut for the next several months.  Indoor air quality can become a problem in a home when certain maintenance steps aren’t maintained.

On a recently had our kitchen remodeled and hired a highly rated kitchen remodeling company in Sunnyvale to renovate out kitchen. During the process, they uncovered mold in our HVAC ducts which led to a larger renovation than anticipated.

Here are a few tips to help improve the indoor air quality of your home.

Easy-Going Air Cleaning Tips

Here are a few things you should be thinking of, to keep your family safe and sound on cold winter days when you’re inside with the windows closed (and keep the value of your property healthy too).

  • When you move in for the first time, or before the start of a new season, give the place a thorough clean, including ceilings, light fittings, walls and floors. A mild solution of a cup of ammonia in five liters of warm water will help sterilize them for mold and germs.


  • Get into a habit of cleaning regularly after that, and keeping an eye on the dirt you import yourself, often inadvertently. Make it a rule for everybody to leave outdoor shoes and damp overcoats in the porch, and ban smoking indoors completely.


  • Perhaps the most important thing of all is to keep green and black mold at bay. That’s not only because it’s unsightly and an indication of bad hygiene habits. It’s also a sign of creeping dampness that can lead to chronic bronchial problems too.


  • Before you buy new furniture or change the coverings on your floors, demand access to health warnings on the internet. If they’re cheap imported goods, don’t bet your health on them being good for you!


  • Constantly purify your home with good quality high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. When you change them regularly as you should, you’ll be amazed at what you otherwise could be breathing in.  Be sure to check the filter in your furnace as outlined in the manual, this alone will greatly reduce the particles floating in the air inside your home.


  • Exchange your household vacuum cleaner for one that’s HEPA filter equipped too. If you don’t, well, then you’re just recycling dust mites and mould spores while you’re standing close nearby.


  • Invest in indoor plants. These not only look good, they also recycle carbon gases into pure, safe oxygen that you can freely breathe  – and tell you at the same time if your air is becoming too moist or dry.

Sleep peacefully at night on pillows and mattresses encased with anti-dust mite coverings, knowing you’ve done everything you possibly can to keep the air quality safer for your healthy, loving family. Such things are easy as you cross over to a healthier way of life, and it’s worth it, isn’t it?

What to Do with a Really Filthy House

Sometimes stuff happens to our homes. We rent our home out spotlessly clean, and get it back full of mold and filth. If you’re faced with that right now, don’t risk your precious health and time.


save money by going greenHave you thought about “Going Green” when it comes to your next home improvement project?

If you’re like most people, you love the idea but not really a big fan of the cost.  While most green home improvement projects end up saving you money in the long run, having to pay a premium up front puts off many homeowners who otherwise would love to go green.  Even here in Toronto, which isn’t the first city that comes to mind when you think “Green” (especially after a trip down good old highway 401), you see lots more innovation happening in the home improvement space.  Many home owners and businesses are seeking out LEED certified projects from qualified contractors.

Even if you’re not interested in going totally green in your home, there are lots of smaller projects around your home that can lead to big savings and a better environment.  Did you know that a single high efficiency shower head can save you almost $300 a year, or a total of $6000 over a 20 year span?  Or that a thermal floor heating system can save you about $400 a year, or $8000 over a 20 year span?  All of those little savings can add up to the vacation of a lifetime when you retire!

If you want to see how you can go green and save alot of money over the long term, check out this infographic courtesy of  You can see how projects big and small around your home can add up to a nice savings over the long term and a better environment for us all.  Now that’s a good deal.

Home improvement infographic for green building

This is a guest post by Lisa Sinopoli, a lifelong resident of Toronto and your friendly neighborhood Vaughan Real Estate Agent


wet basements richmond hillOh dear. It’s winter, and the wet basement smells damp again! In fact, it’s getting to the point where you don’t want to go down there any more – but you have to, in order to check the furnace and clean up some of those water leaks from time to time. Here in Toronto, many of the older homes suffer from chronic wet basements and it’s not only annoying, but removes a whole level of a home that could be a perfectly good living space.

While some basement water problems are beyond a homeowners control, like rising water tables and hydrostatic water pressure on the foundation, there are several things you can do to try and keep your basement as dry as possible.

Let’s Take a Walk Outside First

Basements get wet due to rainwater intruding through the ground around them, especially when gutters and downpipes discharge large quantities in a small area. Inspect your water drainage system all the way to the discharge gullies. If the water is pooling above or near your basement, you can bet your last dollar its filtering further down too.

About the Window Wells …

Do you find water pooling under or running down nearby a basement window? Well then, you’re probably looking directly at the problem. Digging out and replacing an old window well can be quiet a mission. But you could probably make the problem disappear by attaching a plastic bubble for less than $50, excluding labor, sealant and a few screws.

Not Solved Yet? Let’s “Crack” the Problem

Water is a mighty curious thing. When it spots a crack in a basement wall from outside, it’s just has to pay a visit to see the view from within. If the cracks are less than two millimeters wide you could have a go with silicone – or hydraulic cement if the gap is bigger. Just make sure you rake out everything that’s loose, and do the job when the gap is dry and dust-free too.  This can be a tricky fix, if it looks like anything other than a hairline crack, you may want to call a basement waterproofing contractor to come and seal it properly.

On to More Serious Matters

It can happen that the integrity of your basement wall has failed in places, and that the water’s permeating directly through it. The correct solution is to expose it on the outside, and water-proof it properly so the problem goes away. If you’re between jobs (or a little cash-strapped maybe) you could apply a sealant on the inside. Rest assured though, the problem will return.

Finishing Off the Job

After you’ve stopped the water penetrating (at least for now) you need to get rid of the remaining moisture, unless you like musty smells and mould. Your sure-fired winner is a heavy duty energy-rated dehumidifier. But don’t go cheap, or you’ll soon be buying another one.

Still Not Fixed?

If your wet basement problem won’t go away (or soon returns) you need to face up to the fact that it’s beyond your scope of work and time. There are a variety of options ranging from weeping tiles to sump pumps. The work is technically advanced. It’s time to call in a basement waterproofing expert to ensure a long term fix to your water problems.


It’s easy to know a basement’s leaking when there’s water running down the walls, or pooling on the floor. It can be more difficult to find the source of the problem though. As a waterproofing contractor in The Bay Area, we are often called in to find the source of a basement leak after the homeowner has tried unsuccessfully to find the source.  The following advice is pitched at the level of the novice, or DIY family handyman. Anything more than that and you’re better off to call in a professional waterproofing contractor, before the inconvenience turns to permanent damage.

  1. Check the Ceiling First – If you spot any ceiling stains this must be where you look first – before you blame the walls for water running down them (or the floor because of pooling water). There is no substitute for a comprehensive inspection. If there’s a false ceiling under the concrete slab or rafters, you must remove this in its entirety so you can look properly.


  1. Inspect the Plumbing – Water has an amazing ability to travel almost anywhere because it’s so slippery. In fact it’s even been known to travel uphill for a short distance because of capillary action. Check every joint on your plumbing and appliances thoroughly. Be aware that metal failure does eventually follow on from vibration.


  1. Spot the Efflorescence – Don’t stress, this is just the white power that results from interaction between water, and bricks or concrete. Brush away the powder (it’s harmless although you might like to wear protection), then tape a piece of cooking-foil across the center of the area. Remove the foil a day later and examine it. If there’s moisture where it pressed against the wall you’ve got a basement leak. If not, the efflorescence is caused by humidity in the air.


  1. Look for Wall Cracks – Where these exist (and there’s water seeping through them) you’ll generally spot them easily because liquid follows gravity, and runs straight down a smooth wall. If not, abandon your cursory search and divide the area into an imaginary grid. Start by looking at the top, then work your way down progressively to the floor.


  1. Check for Peeling Paint – The hydrostatic pressure of water weeping through a wall is powerful enough to lift the paint off. While you’re inspecting for cracks, also check for any sign of mold, because this will only grow where a wall is damp.


  1. Finally, Examine the Floor – If you can’t find a leaky ceiling or damp walls, then the water laying on the floor is welling through it on account of hydrostatic pressure from below. Tell-tale clues of the location of this include lifting floor tiles or a squelchy floor covering. If there’s anything standing on the spot that’s made of metal, it will have started rusting too.

What to do About It?

Now that you’ve found the source of the water leak, your next step should be to do something about it. That’s because over time, water seeping through a building degrades the structure permanently. Before you attempt to fix a leak at the point that it appears, remember that the only way to do this properly is at the source. And if that source is on the outside of a buried basement wall, you may be just a little way out of your depth.  A qualified waterproofing contractor can conduct an inspection, and lay out several possible solutions for you to examine.



mould growth in Richmond Hill atticMould is a natural fungus that takes root in any humid or damp environment.  Here in Toronto, mould growth in the attic is common due to the change in seasons and temperature throughout the year.  If a roof leaks however slightly, the attic is rainwater’s first port of call. Moreover heat generated in a home rises upwards to combine with damp. In reality, the question really should be “why aren’t all attics mouldy”. Let’s take a look at the factors in the equation, and discover the reasons why.

Roof Seepage

Rainwater often seeps through roofing joints and hips especially when driven by accompanying rain. After the storm passes, sunlight bakes the roof and creates a haven for mould below. There really are only two solutions to avoiding this. Waterproof the roof and introduce cross ventilation.

Access Points between Home and Attic

Access panels and staircases provide essential access to roof-space for maintenance and inspection purpose. These also admit heat, and allow mould spores to enter. Access panels are easily insulated. However stairs usually require a pull-down box to address the problem properly.

Forced Ventilation from Below

Those innocent-looking bathroom, laundry and kitchen ventilation fans are actually your worst enemy, although you may look on them as your friends.  That’s because they not only incubate mould in cracks and crannies, they also literally blast the fungus into the attic in a cocoon of warm moist air.

Your first step is to track them down where they often lurk hidden under loft insulation (run them while you’re up there to locate them). You only have two options – either disable them, or duct them through to fresh air. Doing nothing is not a valid choice.

Gaps in Ceiling Insulation

Insulation gaps are another favourite friend of mould, because, just like water-proofing and security, insulation is only as good as its weakest point. Investigate all the tricky places where an installer might have been tempted to take short cuts. Skylights and dormer windows are a good start, as are pipes and cables that penetrate through walls and ceilings.

Furnaces and Water Heaters

Homes without basements often have heating systems installed in attics in separate rooms. Failure to insulate these properly can undo all the good intentions mentioned above. Pay special attention to seals around pipes and ducting where these pass through to living space, as these could admit mould spores in either direction.

Essential Maintenance

Nothing lasts forever (at least unless you keep a hand to it) and that includes all the mould defenses mentioned. Lint from ceiling fans and bird and ant nests are just a few of the things that can break down your mould barriers. If you suspect mould growth in your attic, the best thing to do is to call a qualified mould inspector to come in and conduct the proper testing.


scarborough waterprrofingThe short answer is sometimes, but in many cases, no.

Nusite has been in the waterproofing business in Toronto for a long time, I can’t remember how many failed interior basement waterproofing jobs I’ve been asked to fix, and how much money has been wasted in that way (although I’m sure it’s a big number in both cases). It’s not that the work itself was bad, it was just the wrong solution to applied to the job.  The truth is that the only sure-fire way to plug a leak is at its source, and that’s the honest truth.

However there are a few methods that could help you manage the problem from the inside. I’ll tell you about them on the basis that there’s always a reason why something seems inexpensive – but often isn’t in the long run.

Things that Might Work

The correct way to waterproof a basement is from the outside. The logic is the same as putting a roof on top of a house, as opposed to trying to waterproof the ceilings from underneath. Why’s that? The pressure of the water pooling on the ceiling boards will work its way through them, and dislodge the paint from inside. We call that hydrostatic pressure in the water-proofing industry

However even a basement that’s well waterproofed from the outside will still leak if cracks develop in the walls or floor. The same can happen if a plumber drills a hole through through the wall. In that case it’s perfectly feasible to seal the gaps with a polyurethane caulk – or epoxy filler if the openings are wider than one eighth inch.

If the moisture is permeating through the fabric of the building itself, no amount of epoxy or polyurethane (or any other product in my experience) is going to do much good for any length of time. That’s because of hydrostatic pressure, once again.

True, you could install a weeping tile around the internal perimeter of the basement and pump the accumulated water away with an automated sump pump. You could even cover everything nicely with a plastic sheet or panel. But you still haven’t waterproofed your basement.

Toronto waterproofing contractor exterior dig

What Should Work

Concrete, cement and bricks are made from natural products found in the earth. And water seeps through earth in no time at all. The only way to stop it leaching through your basement walls and floors is to prevent it from getting there in the first place. This implies four necessary steps:

  • Lay down a waterproof membrane before you cast the foundations and the floor.


  • Water-proof the outside of the foundations and the walls as they go up.


  • Install an external weeping tile system to lead any ground moisture away.


  • Manage your surrounding home and garden so that rainwater flows away.
installing exterior weeping tile in Toronto home

What Definitely Doesn’t Work

I’ve also seen a great many of the things that should work fail, especially when they’re performed by someone who doesn’t have alot of experience with foundation waterproofing.

The Best Advice of All

If you have a chronic leaky basement, and there doesn’t seem to be an obvious solution.  Have a waterproofing contractor come in and give an inspection.  A good waterproofing company will bring in the necessary tools to find the real source of the leak and can give you an accurate estimate of what it will take to repair the problem.  That doesn’t mean you have to do it, but you will know whether or not it’s a waste of time trying to stop the leak from the interior of your basement.