Scarborough has experienced some serious flooding during the past few Summers.  Heavy rainfalls and inadequate storm drains have resulted in serious flooding for many homeowners in the Scarborough Ontario area.

From March onwards memories of heavy snowfalls fade in Scarborough, only to be replaced by copious rains in the Summer.  Water pools easily especially in the Rouge River and Highland Creek areas, where it filters down and may cause basement flooding. While there isn’t a lot for a single homeowner to do against an overflowing sewer drain, there are steps you can take in order to prepare and minimize the damage resulting from a flooded basement.

Flooding in Scarborough Ontario

Get the Water Away From Your Foundation

Begin by ensuring rainwater leaves your roof in a controlled fashion. Stand outside during heavy rain and observe what happens. Is your roof managing the rainwater properly? If the water is pouring out of your eaves troughs – or behind them for that matter – your problems may include:

  • Dislodged roof tiles or bad overhangs
  • Badly sloping or under-sized gutters
  • Insufficient downpipe capacity
  • Blockages caused by tennis balls and leaves

Once you have rainwater leaving your roof in an orderly fashion, your next step is to lead it away from the house. Badly graded gardens and poor drainage can readily cause pooling water, erode foundations and filter down to basements. Lead storm water away continually by

  • Ensuring a fall of around one inch in six feet
  • Filling hollows where water pools during wet periods
  • Laying paving around the house especially near the basement
  • Setting down prefabricated open drains to lead downpipe discharge away

Some low-lying parts of Scarborough are natural flatlands that became wetlands during floods before human settlement. City sewers are currently inadequate for cloudbursts causing pooling in gardens and badly graded streets. Rainwater backing up through toilets is a relatively common occurrence. These problems all result in flooded basements.

Be Proactive

  • Consider disconnecting your downspouts from city drains if your sewerage follows the same route.
  • Install backflow valves so flooding cannot back up into your home when the sewers overflow
  • Install an automatic sump-pump in the basement and contunually check that it is in working order
  • Inspect and test everything regularly so these systems work when needed
  • Remove valuables and potential hazards from the basement in case of basement flooding

Seek Professional Help

If your neighbours are less proactive you may be receiving groundwater from higher lying areas. If proper precautions have not been taken, or your foundation is prone to water leaks, water in the basement is most likely be the result. The best time to prepare for another Summer of heavy rains and flooding is to be proactive before the rains come.

In addition, the city has a program to help homeowners with flood relief.  The program is called the Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program, and can provide monetary relief in the installation of anti-flooding measures. The subsidy program provides up to $3,200 in relief for homeowners in areas prone to flooding.

Have a questions about waterproofing your basement?  We provide a range of basement waterproofing solutions in Scarborough and provide free on-site inspections and estimates for homeowners in the area.



Did you know that problems on your roof can lead to a leaky basement?

The roofing system on your house, which includes the shingles, eavestroughs, and drains, are meant to do one thing; to channel rain water from your roof and away from your foundation.  If the system is working properly, that’s exactly what it will do.  If it’s not, then rain water will begin to pool around your home’s foundation, eventually causing water problems in your basement.

Here in Toronto, the roofs on our homes are subject to some severe weather conditions.  The long Winters, with snow build up, thawing, then re-freezing, can really wear down your roof over time.  It’s important to schedule times throughout the year where you can inspect your roof system and make sure that it’s properly channeling water away from your foundation.

The infographic below provides a nice pictorial of potential problems you may come across when you examine your roof.  Take a few minutes of preventative maintenance to help avoid costly foundation repairs later on.  Have questions about channeling water away from your foundation?  Feel free to contact us here, we’re happy to help!

Roof Maintenance Infographic


Do you have bugs living in your basement?  Of course you do, it’s the perfect environment for the little creatures….damp, dark, and lightly inhabited.  While bugs are harmless, they do have a certain creep factor, especially when you turn on the lights and notice little things scurrying for cover.

Tip: If you see lots of spiders in your house, you also have lots of other bugs crawling about as that’s what they are feeding on.

Bugs cannot survive long without a constant source of moisture. They also like dark places where they can scuttle away from predators. Fortunately, the ones you find in a damp basement are generally not dangerous. However, the permanent moisture they signify is a more serious matter. Here we list the 5 most common basement bugs you will find when moisture is present.


Silverfish in Toronto homeSilverfish (otherwise known as fish moths) are silver-grey creatures that can grow to one inch long. They are nocturnal meaning that you are unlikely to spot them unless you disturb them. Sometimes you will find them wriggling in an empty bathtub in the morning. In our homes, they live on paper, fabric, coffee, sugar, human hair and clothing. Trying to kill them directly is pointless. Use a spray that leaves a residue.


centerpedeThe Latin word means a hundred feet. Some have more, some have less and they come in all shapes and sizes. They are carnivorous meaning that they eat meat (do not stress, their jaws are tiny). You can control them by keeping the house clean. Killing them is messy. Rather stun them with a rolled-up newspaper, catch them in a jar and turf them outside where they belong.

Mold mites

Mold mites in TorontoIf you have a damp basement, you can safely bet that you have mold too. You can also rest assured that you are harbouring a colony of mold mites. They are tiny creatures you might not even spot, as they go about their business of feeding on your cheeses, meats, nuts and seeds. You can kill them to your heart’s content by squashing them. There is only one long-term solution. Get rid of the mold.


earwig-basementIn a forest, you find earwigs by the dozen under any rotting tree. You will find them in a damp basement too, although you need to be up at night with a torch, because they are nocturnal. They scuttle out of cracks to feed on a variety of insects and plants. If you do not like using poison, keep rotting vegetation away from the perimeter of your home.

Sow Bugs

WoodlouseSow bugs are also known as woodlice (and armadillo bugs because of their habit of rolling up into a ball when frightened). They serve a useful purpose in our gardens where they generate compost and loosen up the soil. If it is dry outside, they may invade a damp basement in surprising numbers, although they are not serious household pests. Getting rid of them can be a challenge. Your best defence is eliminating the damp and moisture that they love.



The “Final” Solution

You will never get rid of insects permanently in the house. In fact, the bugs will still be lurking around the basement long after you’re gone. In the interim, there are two ways to manage them in a damp basement. The first is to deploy a team of spiders. Yes, spiders are great at catching and eating insects. The second is to eliminate the source of moisture and to make the basement less hospitable for your creepy crawler roommates.

Have questions about how to fix your damp basement?  Feel free to contact us today for a free in-home inspection and estimate.

Fixing water leaks around the homeWater damage occurs in a number of vicious ways. From leaky pipes to cracks in a home’s foundation, water is determined to find its way inside and wreak havoc. It’s in its nature to do so and it’s in ours to prevent it from happening.

It’ll happen when you least expect it and even sometimes right in front of your face. The key fundamental to beat household water damage isn’t to just fight back, but to think ahead. Avoiding it altogether is way better than fighting the hassles of a water damaged household later on.

Plant Greenery around Your Home

Homes that reside in areas that receive an ample amount of rain or have poor drainage systems, tend to have water linger around the exterior, sometimes in puddles or small ponds. This gives water a chance to seep into the home’s foundation and into the basement. Not to mention, the longer water sits and soaks into the ground, the more it loosens the soil up, which means the ground can alter to cause foundation damage and even more water damage.

One way to dispose of this excess water is to plant shrubs, flowers and other greenery. Plants love water and will be able to absorb some of the excess water sitting around the home. However, this probably won’t be enough to avoid water damage from a larger excess of water, since plants can only soak up so much before becoming waterlogged. At this point, it’s somewhat pointless, since water still lingers around the home and the plants have too much water, which is why it’s also a good idea to…


Funnel Water Away from Your Home

Water lingers as a result of improper drainage. A home’s drainage system starts on the roof and doesn’t end until water completely drains away from the home.

  • Check Gutters:  The roof drains water into the gutters and if gutters aren’t clean, then that drastically puts a dampener on a home’s drainage system. The stagnant water adds extra weight to the gutters and gives time for the water to find a way into the roof. If the roof is also in need of repair, then this allows for much easier access.
  • Gutter Extensions:  Okay, so the gutters are clean, but now the water lingers around the base of the home and the plants can’t soak it all up. Add extensions to the gutters to funnel the roof water away from the home. If you’re worried about having ugly plastic drain pipes running across your yard, then place them underground. This may also help with better drainage anyway.
  • Create Trenches:  Your gutters are clean and you installed extensions, but water still lingers around your home. The gutters take care of roof water and the plants still can’t soak up all the water around the base of the home. Create additional downward paths, trenches or pipes that drain the water properly away from your home.

Seal Doors and Windows

The tiniest crack or space in a window or door is all that is needed for water or moisture to infiltrate a home. This is especially dangerous for double-paned windows. If the outer glass or frame has a crack, then moisture seeps in and condensation forms in between the window panes. Basement windows and window wells are also a target for water to enter into a home. These windows are sometimes on ground level, which means water in the soil has a greater chance of leaking into the basement.

Buy a Dehumidifier

It’s important to keep a house’s humidity level around 50% or less. Too much humidity means an abundance of moisture inside a home. If you’re unsure of your home’s current humidity level, use a hygrometer to get an accurate reading. If the level is too high, then purchase a dehumidifier to lower your home’s humidity level.

Clean Your Pipes

Leaky pipes are major contributors to water damage. Leaks can occur from many cases, but one way to prevent these from happening is to have healthy pipes. If you clean your pipes frequently, there will be less build up and fewer clogs. Less strain and pressure will be on the pipes and they will be more resilient to potential problems in the future.


Be proactive in your maintenance

Water damage occurs in several ways and sometimes it’s difficult keeping up and maintaining your home to prevent it. Although much time and effort is required, it will certainly save you further time and effort down the road if faced with the wrath of water damage. At that point, there won’t be much you can do except call a professional. In the meantime, do the simple things yourself to prevent these potential threats.

Have you ever wondered why Toronto basements seem so much more prone to leakage than, say, basements in Los Angeles? While there are many factors that go into why a basement leaks, Toronto seems to help in creating the ideal conditions for a leaky basement. As Toronto natives ourselves (and basement experts), we’ve pondered this question and came up with five main reasons:

Toronto home in Winter

 1) Weather

As you can probably guess, our wonderful weather is the number one factor that creates opportunities for basements to leak.  In the Spring and Fall we get lots of rain and in the winter we get lots of snow and ice that freezes, thaws, and melts over time causing buildup around foundations. In other words, Toronto basements leak because the soil surrounding the foundation and the walls of the basement become overly saturated.  The leaks aren’t as noticeable when the weather is dry, but soil packed deep into the ground can take months to dry up.


2) Age

Toronto is an older city, which means that many houses have been constructed several decades ago. Old Toronto basements weren’t intended to be living spaces and many of them are actually less than 5 feet high! While there is no arguing that older homes are oozing with character and charm, we’ve found that older foundations are often poorly constructed with thin walls and multiple cracks in the foundation. This, unfortunately, means that inadequate drainage outside can easily penetrate floors and walls, causing water damage and annoying leaks.



3) Backed-Up Sewer Pipes

Many older Canadian homes still have storm water run-offs connected to their sewer lines. The problem often presents itself with an overflowing toilet, which can mean that it is necessary to modify the drainage system. While this usually affects toilets, other fixtures such as tubs and showers can also be involved.


4) Water

Toronto is built on an advanced river system, with lots of water under the city with hundreds of hidden rivers running under it.  It’s a water rich area, and in some areas rising water tables could be the problem causing basements to leak.  While the water table below a home may be several meters below the foundation, that doesn’t mean that it won’t cause water problems in the basement.  However, water doesn’t always seep down consistently. The degree of existing saturation, the permeability of the strata, and the presence of impermeable rock are factors that affect water penetration.


5) Gutter System

Lastly, gutter systems often cause Toronto basements to leak. Since old and poorly installed gutters tend to promote pooling water, it’s not uncommon to find a build-up of standing water around the foundation of your home. With nowhere else to go, the water will leak into the basement, eventually penetrating the walls and causing serious damage.  Lets face it, here in Toronto the gutters on our home take a beating during the course of the year.


Basements leak for many reasons 

There are numerous reasons that Toronto basements are prone to leaking, but weather, age of the home, backed-up sewer pipes, water, and gutter system issues are usually the main culprits. The good news is that you are not alone in this and there are many ways to fix the leaking issue and ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Have a question about a basement leak in your home?  Feel free to contact us for a free in-home estimate and inspection.

Although not all air purifier are the same, most are capable of removing air-borne allergens including mould spores from your home. This is helpful if you have upper bronchial infections or allergies. At the same time, they are also a useful ally in the endless battle to stop mould forming in the first place.

However there is a limit to their efficiency because they can’t remove an existing fungal infestation. Hence your first step is always to call in a mould-removal cleaning firm to clear it out for you. After that, regular cleaning and an air purifier should reward you with a relatively mould-free home.

Toronto Mould removal air purifier

Even More Benefits

The air inside our homes is full of a variety of other pollutants. Some of these drift in from outside while others are a consequence of modern lifestyles. Air purifiers also help remove the grime that stains our air-conditioner filters. Chief among the culprits are animal fur, cigarette smoke, dust mite droppings, pollen spores and sundry bacteria.

Which Design is Best?

There are four main varieties of air purifiers in Canada, the main difference being the filters through which they force the air. These often appear in different combinations Replaceable high energy particulate air HEPA ones are often preferred because they use replacement filters that don’t generate potentially harmful by-products.

Carbon pre-filters help remove smells and volatile organic compounds. Filterless ionizers are energy-efficient but of little use against mould spores, while ozone generator air purifiers are only really effective at power levels that may be injurious to our health. For these reasons the most popular combinations are carbon filter-HEPA ones.

Air Purifier Buying Tips

  • Capacity – Clean air delivery rate (CADR) measures the volume of air processed per minute. A score below 100 is unsatisfactory whereas above 300 is excellent. Calculate the volume of air in the room before you start.


  • Energy Cost – Air purifiers run day and night off electricity. Although their draw is low compared to air conditioners and heating plants it does add up over time. You contribute indirectly to less power-generation pollution by buying energy efficiently.


  • Maintenance – If you buy a good quality air purifier it should reward you with a long, trouble-free life. However those with HEPA filters require owner-servicing every few months. Find out how long the filters last and how much replacements cost.


  • Noise Levels – Most domestic air purifiers emit an almost imperceptible hum which is a trade-off against their level of cleaning efficiency. Some can appear more pronounced when you’re trying to fall asleep at night. Ask the salesperson about decibel (dB) levels which should be in the instruction manuals.

While an air purifier cannot remove mould per se, it can be a great ally in the fight to contain it while removing irritating pollutants from the air we breathe. Like most other things in life you get the quality you pay for. Don’t buy cheap. Keep a weather eye out for special offers outside of pollen season for the best deals.

Have questions about mould and air quality in your home?  If you live in Toronto or the surrounding GTA, we can have a service specialist come out to your home for a free on-site inspection and estimate.  Contact us here.